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Products & Services

Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. offers agriculture/horticulture/forestry investment avenues to institutional investors, pension funds, universities, charitable trusts, endowments and high net worth family offices. However, recognizing that a growing pool of small investors are now interested in alternative investments, we are offering investment opportunities to retail investors through what is called Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) in our agriculture/horticulture/forestry plantations for a range of high value tropical/subtropical crops. MIS is a primary production managed investment scheme in an enterprise that allows people who are not ‘on-the-land’ to carry on an agricultural/horticulture/forestry production business. An offer is made to potential investors to become growers via a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), with investment being tightly regulated by the Laws of Bermuda and  of Belize. Throughout the world, investors have participated through MIS in a broad range of agricultural businesses including cattle farming, production of wine and table grapes, vegetables, stone fruit, citrus, almonds, olives, and timber plantations.

Aiming for healthier returns,

a sustainable future

Currently we are offering investment opportunities in the following projects...

Bioenergy Plantation & Pellet Mill

Plant-based Biomass is a renewable, low carbon fuel that is already widely available in many parts of the world. Its production and use also brings additional environmental and social benefits. Correctly managed, biomass is a sustainable fuel that can deliver a significant reduction in net carbon emissions when compared with fossil fuels, and can offer a wide range of benefits.


We offer new professionally managed dedicated short rotation bioenergy crops & other tropical tree plantations. We facilitate forestry/agriculture investment in a flexible way. We source land and provide a complete management service including land preparation, irrigation, planting, and full care of the plantation through cropping, harvesting and milling, and finally the selling of end products. The planned 6000 acres bioenergy plantations and pellet mill project in Central America is carefully designed to provide maximum financial returns under a safe investment structure that is projected to generate at the minimum above market returns in 10 years . The project is being developed by top experts using unique select crops and sustainable practices, and is designed to deliver environmental benefits, store Carbon and alleviate poverty in the local communities.


Teak (Tectona grandis) is a fast growing tropical hardwood tree originating from regions of South East Asia. Teak has a centuries-old reputation as the "King of Timbers". It is highly durable, easily worked, attractive, strong and relatively light. With the decreasing availability of teak from natural forests, plantations are an increasingly important source of timber to meet the demand. The growing environmental awareness has created a substantial opposition towards using teak from natural forests - the answer is of course cultivated teak, which is commonly referred to as Plantation Teak.


Tropical timberlands like Teak Plantation offers the ideal diversification from real estate and equity portfolios, providing a non-volatile market with high long-term returns on investment, and a low risk-to-return ratio.Global demand for hardwood has itself multiplied 25 times in the last 40 years, and with population growth rates higher than ever this trend will continue. With less than 13% of the world’s surface covered in forests, and concerns over global warming, there is now a global crackdown on illegal logging and deforestation. Supply is being severely restricted, and these two factors combined will drive legal timber prices higher in the years to come.


Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. plans to establish 2000 Acres of a vertically integrated Teak timber plantation in Central America, and is actively inviting investors to become involved with this fantastic opportunity with low risk and high returns.


The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is found throughout the tropics, where it is interwoven into the lives of the local people by providing almost all the necessities of life—food, drink, oil, medicine, fiber, timber, thatch, mats, fuel, and domestic utensils. Coconut is Multi-use, Multi-year (minimum 50 years) and one of the most productive green-machines nature has bestowed upon mankind. 


For good reasons, the coconut has been called the “Tree of heaven” and “Tree of life.” The coconut tree is highly versatile and provides raw material for products that are high in demand. Some of the uses include:


FRUIT KERNEL: Oil, Cream, Copra, Meat, Coco Water

FRUIT SHELL: Fuel, Biomass, Activated Carbon, Mulch, Charcoal

FRUIT FIBERS: Ropes, Mats, Geo-textile

FLOWERS: Honey, Sugar, Sap

LEAVES: Fronds (Biomass, Roofing, Architectural Use, Mulch)

TRUNK: Coco Lumber, Biomass


Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. plans to establish 5000 Acres of a vertically integrated Coconut plantation in Central America, and is actively inviting investors to become involved with this fantastic opportunity with low risks and high returns. Because of multiple coconut products and market demand drivers in key markets (US, Canada, E), establishing Coconut plantations in the Americas is highly lucrative.


Paulownia, a native of China, is by far the fastest growing hardwood tree in the world, producing high quality timber for a range of end uses. In Japan it is called KIRI, and owing to its traditional uses and inherent high value in Japanese culture, KIRI is the emblem of the Government and the Prime Minister of Japan.


Paulownia timber has a unique set of features. It produces a light weight timber with a straight grain and light honey color. The naturally light color of the timber allows a variety of stains and finishes to be applied to the timber and can be utilized in a wide range of applications.


Paulownia timber’s demand arises from many desirable characteristics. Applications such as building materials, windows, doors, blinds, architrave, furniture, aircraft fittings, boats, musical instruments and sport equipment are some of the most common and best performing paulownia timber uses.


Tropical timberlands offers the ideal diversification from real estate and equity portfolios, providing a non-volatile market with high long-term returns on investment and a low risk-to-return ratio. Global demand for hardwood has itself multiplied 25 times in the last 40 years, and with population growth rates higher than ever this trend will continue. With less than 13% of the world’s surface covered in forests as well as concerns over global warming, there is now a global crackdown on illegal logging and deforestation. Supply is being severely restricted and these two factors combined will drive legal timber prices higher in the years to come.


Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. plans to establish 2500 Acres of a vertically integrated Paulownia timber plantation in Central America, and is actively inviting investors to become involved with this fantastic opportunity with low risks and high returns.

© 2023 Bahar Agro-Ventures Ltd. 

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